Betau Valley

Betau Valley

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Winged denizens of Bukit Telaga

These days, I guess I will be progressing with my "new" albeit more regular weekend photography sessions with Nature seing that I have finally progressed to my first DSLR (Nikon D5200). I started with the Coolpix E4300 (which took marvelous photos without a hitch), lost it in an accident back in KL in the summer of 2007, then changed to Coolpix S200 only to be replaced by a semipro Coolpix P100 and finally now...

So I went to Lata Jarum for some photos but it was too dry and hot and not a single interesting thing to photograph and so - I went again to my favourite site to try out my luck. Well, it started kinda slow without much action at midday but I dragged on until about half past one and suddenly, a burst of light came over the cloudy hills and the butterflies kept coming and coming...

Here are the results...well, they're actually worse off my Coolpix P100's clarity but detail wise - this is better. Besides, there's only so much a 105mm lense can do at a respectable distance...

The Sargeant, Athyama spp, on the tarmac...

 The Spotted Sawtooth, Prioneris thestylis malaccana

 Another Athyama spp., also on the tarmac

 The Straight-Line Mapwing, Cyretis nivea nivalis

 The Tailed Jay, Graphium agamemnon agamemnon

 A Dark Evening Brown, Melanitis phedima abdullae

 A Skipper butterfly, Tagiades spp.

A very difficult subject to capture in the wild, the elegant Large Wood Nymph, Idea lynceus lynceus. In Malay, they are called "Surat" because their slow flight with spotted translucent wings gives them the allure of a letter floating in mid-air, blown by a breeze. They rarely settle down and can be seen sometimes in a pair gliding through the mid canopy under the speckled afternoon forest, as if dancing some soft ballet in mid-air...

 This shot against the light shows the faint irisdiscent glow of the wings

 The Common Tit, Hypolycaena erylus teatus

The Rustic, Cupha erymanthis lotis 

 The Three-bar Helen, Papilio helenus helenus

 a group of Common Grass yellows, Eurema spp.

Delicate fluttering wings of the Four-bar Swordtail, Pathysa agetes iponus

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