After more than two months of hard work with my water tub garden, some nice results can at last be appreciated by backyard garden is a small space that I have specifically maintained during renovation of the house because I need to see the sky when I am resting or reading quietly on my favorite bench. The same spot offers chirping and calls of forest birds that come nearby to the bushes and secondary growth of the adjacent property.
Delicate white flowers of the Chinese arrowroot, Sagittaria spp.
Close up. Observe the minutely detailed pistil.
A family member of the water hyacinth found commonly in ditches and waterways in Malaysia, Eichhornia spp. All one need to do is to get a sapling from the ditch and voila...this plant does not float like the water hyacinth but does have spongy stems, albeit a very long one topped with a heart-shaped leaf.
My white tropical water lily growing happily in a tub.
Delicate and silky white flower of the Giant Amazon sword plant, Echinodorus spp.
The beautiful lilac blue flower of the Blue waterlily, Nymphaea lutens.
The Reedmace (Typha latifolia) grew so tall so fast that it overshot my 8-foot wall and now, flowerheads start to emerge...
Aquatic ginger, kind of like the local Bemban of the genus Thalia. Very vigorous plant that needs frequent feeding but the result is impressive under the hot sun.
Close up of the delicately arranged flowers. They call this plant Water Canna in the nurseries (as the leaves resemble that of the Canna lily, and justly, they belong to the same family of plants)
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