Betau Valley

Betau Valley

Thursday 2 January 2014

Zen way to start 2014

It was said that certain zodiac signs will clash with the coming horse year (what doesn't clash these days?) I gather a bit of peace will be good to start off 2014. I had this video taken on a clear day in December 2013 after a break in the rainy weather...

The Foresty Officers had just cleared off a part of a thickett for their camp site and it was abandonned a day ago, making it convenient for non-campers like me. Plus point - quietness like never before except for the sound of rustling water, cries of cicadas and the wind...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nyok Lin,
    Thanks for giving us a few pictures to dream of, it is always nice to be in touch with nature far away from home.
    Best wishes for 2014, friendly y, Th
