Betau Valley

Betau Valley

Sunday 19 August 2012

Lata Berumbun revisited

Lata Berumbun sits on the ledge of the Benom Range, perched at around 1900 feet above sea level and is perhaps the most spectacular cascade in Raub. The journey up to this pristine jewel is no easy task either as my friends soon find out on their first trip here (mine was my third)...the modified jeep that took us up the 10 KM route was incredibly resistant to abuses as we has an impression of being trapped in a horrendous roller coaster ride that offers no pause from adrenaline rush - or the driver must be one of the most experienced off-road driver in town: it was like being on a perpetual roll and bump over rocky boulders, mud trenches and streams in succession that even walking might pose hands were too engaged to be able to take any photo of the trip! 

What the ride ends in...this cascading jewel in an opening of the forest canopy.

 in the shades of the forest...

the morning sunburst through a thin mist...

 On the upper reaches of the cascades. Lata Berumbun is a series of endless falls and cascades and pools along the slopes of the Benom Range. We didn't explore the second pool from the main entrance as my friend was too "tired" from the experience. We did however, had the fortune of tumbling upon a lone wild boar along the track on the drive up and it was an unforgettable experience: the boar, startled by the noisy engine of the jeep, ran along the mud track but was unable to neither ran down the slope nor up the banks. The poor animal ran for a good 300 metres or so before finding refuge in a bush, chased by the noisy jeep right behind!

a quiet pool

mossy boulders

 a lichen-encrusted fallen log

 spectacular large trumpet-like flowers in the shades

interesting young leaves of a plant

 a view of the Klau Valley from the opening in the hills

What we left behind...

Our jeep driver also manage weekend escapades to the cascades with sightseeing (meals and camping equipments inclusive of a travelling cook in situ) for a fee. 
His number: +06 019 963 53 83 0r +06 013 986 53 83 (Mr. Low Poh)

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