Betau Valley

Betau Valley

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Bako National Park 2008

November 2008 - it was the wedding of my niece at Kuching and we took advantage of the holiday seasons to do a bit of tourism in Sarawak. One of the many places we visited during the 10 days stay was Bako National Park. The park itself didn't seem much and the flimsy boat ride to the other side of the bay to enter the park did not leave much to desire but the impressive view of the majestic Santubong in the distance at the other end of the bay certainly made up for the inconveniences. Anyhow, it was a day trip, on a rainy mid day and that couldn't account for any real adventure - just first impressions...

You better believe that the signboard warning tourists of potential dangers from crocodiles is not a prank.

Voila what's waiting about 20 meters from the quai - the real McCoy. This one's a baby sunning itself on the cages of a floating fish farm. The boatman told us that big ones come out at night and there was an incident where a child was taken not long ago, the type that the newspaper and local folks refer to as 'Bujang Senang'.

Rocky facades greeted us on arrival at the beach.

Nearing the dropping point on the muddy-sandy beach.

A bearded pig.

Walkways along the mangrove for visitors to catch a glimpse of the proboscis monkeys frequenting this area.

A large alpha male that brought the group onto the beach at low tide and he ascended the tree tops later to feed. It was very interesting to observe the alpha male's behaviour as it led the group of monkeys around the mangrove to feed. Silence and patience was well rewarded.

The male proboscis monkey moving away.

Bright blue Fiddler Crabs marking their territories by flashing their unusually large and loop sided pincers.

A hand painted signboard.

Taking a snapshot to mark the occasion.

The enigmatic Santubong at the other end of the bay.

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